- unit of antitoxin
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Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
unit — 1. One; a single person or thing. 2. A standard of measure, weight, or any other quality, by multiplications or fractions of which a scale or system is formed. 3. A group of persons or things considered as a whole because of mutual activities or… … Medical dictionary
antitoxic unit — a unit for expressing the strength of an antitoxin. The unit of diphtheria antitoxin is approximately the amount that will preserve the life of a guinea pig weighing 250 g for at least four days after it is injected subcutaneously with a mixture… … Medical dictionary
international unit — noun : a quantity of a biological (as a vitamin, hormone, antibiotic, antitoxin) or its equivalent based on bioassay that produces a particular biological effect agreed upon internationally … Useful english dictionary
dose — 1. The quantity of a drug or other remedy to be taken or applied all at one time or in fractional amounts within a given period. Cf.:dosage (2). 2. In nuclear medicine, amount of energy absorbed per unit mass of irradiated material (absorbed d.) … Medical dictionary
phenomenon — 1. A symptom; an occurrence of any sort, whether ordinary or extraordinary, in relation to a disease. 2. Any unusual fact or occurrence. [G. phainomenon, fr. phaino, to cause to appear] adhesion p. a p. manifested by the adherence of antigen… … Medical dictionary
L0 dose — L0dose the limes nul or limes zero dose; in preparation of diphtheria toxoid, the largest amount of diphtheria toxin that when mixed with one standard unit of antitoxin produces no perceptible reaction when injected subcutaneously into a guinea… … Medical dictionary
Lf dose — (limes flocculating dose) in the Ramon flocculation test, the amount of diphtheria toxin that in the shortest time produces precipitation when mixed with one standard unit of antitoxin … Medical dictionary
Lr dose — (limes reacting dose) in preparation of diphtheria toxoid, the amount of diphtheria toxin that, when mixed with one standard unit of antitoxin, will produce a minimal skin reaction in a guinea pig … Medical dictionary
medicine, history of — Introduction the development of the prevention and treatment of disease from prehistoric and ancient times to the 20th century. Medicine and surgery before 1800 Primitive (primitive culture) medicine and folklore Unwritten history is not… … Universalium
Diphtheria — Classification and external resources Diphtheria causes a characteristic swollen neck, sometimes referred to as “bull neck”. ICD 10 A … Wikipedia
List of dogs — The American army dog Sergeant Stubby (ca 1916 1926) List of dogs is an annotated list of real dogs. See also the list of fictional dogs, List of dog breeds and List of dog types. Contents … Wikipedia